Hirubide Nimes - Day 1

 First day: trip to Nimes.

We took the train at 10:20AM.

We had some interesting discussions about the use of food and some everyday questions; what's better? Fanta or Kas? Also, we had an english test (thanks Jon Mikel). In the afternoon we arrived in Nimes and visited the city; most of the shops were closed. Then, we arrived at the hostel after having dinner. We will have a long day tomorrow...


Hartu dugu trena 10:20tan.

Bidaian zehar eztabaida interesgarriak izan ditugu; Zer da hobeto? Fanta ala Kas? Gainera, ingeleseko azterketa bat izan dugu (eskerrik askko Jon Mikel...). Arratsaldean, Nimesera iritsi gara eta herria bisitatu dugu; denda guztiak itxita zeuden. Gero, hostelera etorri gara KFC-an afaldu eta gero, bihar egun luzea izango dugu eta...


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