Nîmes 3rd day


 Goizeko 06:30tan esnatu gara. 07:00etan gosaldu dugu eta 07:30tan eskolaruntz atera gara. Iritsi garenean, entrebistak egitera joan gara. Oso jatorrak izan dira eta eskola guztia erakutsi digute, oso handia da. Entrebistak prestatzen aritu gara. Hori eta gero, gutako batzuk zinema klasea frantsesez jaso dugu. Ondoren, klase horretako 3 ikasle etorri dira entrebista egitera. Beranduago, bazkaltzera joan gara jangelara.

 Arratsaldean, Nimeseko udaletxea bisitatu dugu, hor 4 kokodrilo ikusi ditugu. Geroago, ordu librea izan dugu.


 We've woken up at 06.30am. After getting ready, we've gone to have breakfast, and then, at 07.30am, we've left the hostal to go to the school. Once in there, we've been meeting  the students we're going to interview. Three of them have shown us the school, and it was very big. When they went back to their lessons, we sterted preparing the interviews we were going to do to other students.

Later, we have gone to the cienema class to take some students for the interviews, but the teacher said to us to go into the class until they finished correcting an exam that they were doing.

After that, we have gone to have lunch in the cantine, and later we have returned to the city centre and we have visited the townhall. There we saw four stuffed crocodiles, which are a symbol of the city.

Then, we had some free time until we came  back to the hostel.



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