Nimes Hirubide - Day 4

Hirubide Nimes - Day 4


Today was a pretty busy day... In Philippe L'amoure we managed to edit 3 Interviews that we had made yesterday and filmed 2 more. Later, we tried to go to the Maison Carrée and a Fort, but sadly, botth of them were unavailable at the moment we arrived... To try to boost our day, we had crepes and waffles for a snack and then we went to Newyorker to buy some things that we wanted (and ended up buying more than what we had  previously planned). It was a fun day for everyone... Except for our wallets.


Gaur egun lampetua izan da... Goiza editatzen pasatu dugu atzoko elkarrizketekin eta bi elkarrizket berri grabatu ditugu. Geroago, saiaitu giñen Maison Carree eta Fortera joaten baina biak itxitak zeuden. Eguna obetzeko, crep eta gofre batzuk erosi genituen, ere, Newyorkera joan giñen eta gauz batzuk erosi genituen (esperotakoa baino gaiago). Izan zen egun dibertigarria izan da (gure poltsikoentzat izan ezik).



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